This picture shows the smokestacks of the sunken steamer
The wreck lies off the lighthouse in the same orientation as the cliffs of the needles.
You can see just behind the red kite on the left is a large dark shadow - that is Goose rock, very large and hard. One
technique is for the foredeck to get an eyeball on it the with polarised glasses and go fairly near it for the deeper
water [nearer 3m CD if I recall rather than 2.4m over the rest of the inside passage].
The problem is that you may well be coming in unsighted like this.
On the right you can see two distinct dark shadows just behind a convenient small rib marking the area. These are the
boilers of the wreck Varvassi and are about 4m each in diameter. These dry in springs as does goose rock.
There is a surrounding depth of 2.8m with the stern tube and engine giving a depth of 0.7 and 0.5m. These bits are to the
right of the boilers, and you go wide to avoid these, which some of the right hand boats are doing.
The trick to go inside is to pass between Goose rock and the boilers, a gap of around 50m, or as we did a few years ago,
between the boilers.