Archive for February, 2008
Mother of All Wine Runs
Wednesday, February 27th, 2008The French barque Belem is en route to Dublin with 60,000 bottles of wine in her hold. The 112 year old tall ship was originally launched to carry chocolate from Brazil to France. MONTPELLIER, France, 24 February (AFP) — The first cargo of wine shipped from France by sail since the late 1800s will arrive […]
Ben’s Board
Saturday, February 23rd, 2008A quick repair job, four hours over two days, from this: to this: Step by step details of the project are available here. Remember, when recovering from a capsize, NEVER climb onto the trailing edge of the board, it will break. ALWAYS climb up onto the leading edge.
Look what’s coming to Cork!
Monday, February 4th, 2008Eamon Rohan’s new Blondie, a gorgeous Mark Mills design, known as a “King 40.” Built in Argentina by King Marine. More pictures are here.