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North U Race Tactics Seminars
November 22, 2009
Prepare for next season at this 4-hour seminar covering everything from Starting Tactics, Upwind Trim, Wind Shift Strategy to Spinnaker Trim and Handling and more. Learn proven approaches to solving boat speed problems, and gain insight into proper tactical positioning to take advantage of windshifts and gain control. You can spend a lifetime learning to be a better sailor. North U. accelerates the process!
Presented by Bill Gladstone, the Director of North U and author of the North U Racing Tactics and Trim books and CDs. Bill has been teaching sailing and racing for over 30 years. Graduates of his seminars and clinics are winning
races in fleets the world over.
Royal Western Yacht Club ...........02 December 20 7pm - 11pm Lough Derg Yacht Club ..............03 December 20 7pm - 11pm Foynes Yacht Club ..................04 December 20 7pm - 11pm National Yacht Club ................05 December 20 9am - 1pm Skerries Sailing Club ..............07 December 20 7pm - 11pm Malahide Yacht Club .................08 December 20 7pm - 11pm Royal Ulster Yacht Club* ...........09 December 20 7pm - 11pm Kinsale Yacht Club ..................10 December 20 7pm - 11pm Royal St George Yacht Club ..........12 December 20 9am - 1pm
Pay at the door. €20 per person. *RUYC £18 per person.
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