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Volvo Dun Laoghaire makes Christmas TV line-up
December 11, 2007
Volvo Dun Laoghaire makes Christmas TV line-up on RTE 1 Saturday, December 22
at 4.20pm
Competitors at this year’s Volvo Dun Laoghaire Regatta will get a chance to
re-live the action this Christmas, as RTE broadcasts a half-hour documentary
feature on the event.
The production, entitled The Regatta, was shot over four days during an
event that attracted over 500 boats from 11 nations. It takes viewers both on
board the competing craft, and behind the scenes, to examine the challenges
thrown up by organising such a large-scale event on the bay.
Involving over 3,000 competitors, and 25 different classes, the Volvo
Regatta was one of the largest participant sports events held in Ireland this year.
Made by Baily Films, the company behind earlier critically-acclaimed
water-based documentaries The Bay, The Harbour, The Estuary and The Navy.
The Regatta will be broadcast on RTE 1 on Saturday, December 22, at 4.20pm.
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