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The Vikings are coming (again)
July 1, 2007
A reconstructed Viking longship, based on one of five deliberately scuttled wrecks found in 1962 at the village of Skuldelev, near Roskilde, Denmark, has set sail heading for Dublin.
Analysis of the wreck’s timbers showed it was built in Wicklow around 1042 of oaks felled at Glendalough.
The longship, named Havhingsten fra Glendalough [the Sea Stallion from Glendalough] has been built by hand using the materials and methods of the original builders. It was completed in 2004 after 4 years work, with some modifications since.
A good deal of info is at the BBC and at the Sea Stallion from Glendalough website including an interactive map showing the progress of the ship, and crew. They hope to make Dublin in or around the 14th August and the Sea Stallion is intended to form the centrepiece of a Viking Exhibition at the National Museum of Ireland until June 2008.
Here is a Reuters video of the ship departing Roskilde
And here is a video showing it undergoing trials
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